Spook Hill

A mysterious phenomenon located in Lake Wales Florida known as Spook Hill. It has been grabbing the attention of curiosity seekers with its thrills for many years. A unique roadside attraction along the 38.7-mile route of SR 17, visitors watch with amazement as their parked car will defy gravity and coast backward up a hill.

There is a great legend behind the mystery of Spook Hill that includes a prominent Native American chief and a massive Florida alligator. The story dates back many years ago when a Seminole Indian village on Lake Wales had the misfortune of being terrorized by the large gator. The leader of the tribe, Chief Culcowellax, was one of the fiercest warriors of his time and decided to take on the gator to protect his village. Chief Culcowellax and the gator had an incredible showdown, with the Chief triumphantly emerging as the winner of the battle. This epic battle apparently created Lake Ticowa, and when the Chief died years later they buried his remains on the north side.

When the Native-Americans eventually lost their land to settlers, the pioneer mail riders noticed their horses laboring downhill, which led to them nicknaming the spot “Spook Hill”. The road was later paved over, but still, cars would find themselves coasting uphill without any explanation. There are two reasons that have been proposed for this, either the gator is seeking revenge for its loss at the legendary battle or the Chief is still trying to protect his land.

Scientifically, researchers attribute this natural phenomenon to a magnetic hill created from limestone hills that were islands 2-3 million years ago when sea levels were much higher. However, if you’re ready to test out Spook Hill and see this phenomenon for yourself, take Highway 27 to 17A just before Lake Wales, then drive East and follow the signs