Tag: monochrome
Lines & Shadows
Big Boy
The Foot
The human foot and ankle is a strong and complex mechanical structure containing 26 bones (some people have more), 33 joints (20 of which are actively articulated), and more than a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments.
Craftsman Rule
Early Blu Ray Player
The Original “Word “ Program.
The Need For Speed
My Graflex 4 X 5 Speed Graphic Camera.
Foggy Morning
As I step out of the house I noticed this bare lonely tree in the fog.
Mechanical System-a system that manages the power of forces and movements to accomplish a task.
I have always been fascinated with mechanical things. Whether it be a vintage watch, clock, or typewriter, I find that the inner workings are like of work of art with all the levers, gears, springs coming together to perform a task. That is one reason I like to collect and use vintage film cameras, there is something about adjusting for distance, aperture and shutter speed then cocking the shutter and look at the subject and take the image. It makes me slow down and see things a little differently.