Florida Orange Crate Labels January 19, 2023January 7, 2023 ~ Tim JeffersIn the late 1930s, Florida’s 417 packinghouses shipped more than 30 million crates of fruit each year. To compete against as many as 2,500 brands, packinghouses created eye-catching crate labels to make their products stand out. Share this:ShareFacebookTumblrTwitterPinterestLike this:Like Loading...
Florence Italy April 1, 2018 ~ Tim JeffersFrom a recent trip to Florence Italy one of my favorite places to visit. The city is noted for its culture, renaissance art, architecture and monuments. Duomo Michaelangelo David King David King David Rape of the Sabbine Women King David King David Florence Italy DuomoShare this:ShareFacebookTumblrTwitterPinterestLike this:Like Loading...